Typical Interview Questions

Why did you choose to work in Property / Real Estate?

Why did you choose to work in Property / Real Estate?

You will need a more detailed answer than, “I have just always loved property”. You will need to determine why; such as its power in investment diversification, you have close friends who recommended that you were ideally suited, you are drawn by the fact that is it one industry that everyone in undeniably associated, no matter what the state of the economy etc

What are your Strengths / Weaknesses?

This is a great opportunity to demonstrate your self-awareness and there is no excuse for not being prepared. Concentrate your five key strengths and if possible, demonstrate how they could benefit the employer. Strengths to consider could focus around industry knowledge, technical proficiency, ability to learn quickly, determination to succeed, ability to work autonomously or in a team environment, initiative, positive attitude etc. When choosing a weakness, concentrate on something that is related to your professional life. When discussing it, keep it brief and explain how you work to overcome your weaknesses.

Why are you looking to leave your current job?

This is something that you will have probably already been through with your Recruitment Consultant. Focus more on what you are looking for in your next job i.e. more challenge, more responsibility, a different perspective in a different organisation. You could also use this question as an opportunity to discuss what it is about the interviewer’s organization that has drawn you to the role. As mentioned do not criticise your current employer or manager.

When are you most satisfied in a job?

The interviewer wants to know what motivates you. It is a good idea to relate an example of a job or project you enjoyed, so the interviewer will get an idea of your motivational factors

What have your major achievements been to date?

The interviewer is hoping to find out if you are an achiever. If you are in business development / sales, you should be very exact and know your figures back to front and where you have exceeded targets. Others should select something that is recent and related to the role that you are interviewing for. Try also to highlight the benefit of this achievement to the company.

Tell me about a time when...

Interviewers often ask for examples of on-the-job experiences and usually finish the sentence with: ‘that you have had to deal with a difficult situation / customer / conflict”. This technique uses your past experiences and behaviours as an indicator of your maturity and future success. When answering these types of questions, consider situations where you have:

  • Identified the need for and developed something
  • Demonstrated leadership
  • Worked on a major project
  • Recommended / handled / managed change
  • Resolved a problem
  • Shown initiative

Why would you like to work for our organisation?

This will indicate to the interviewer that you have done your research and have put thought into your application. Perhaps have three reasons ready.

Why should we hire you / what can you offer our organisation?

This is not often asked as much but you should be prepared with what it is that makes you unique and is based around your qualifications, experiences, knowledge, skills, past achievements and traits. You could also use it as an opportunity to summarise your 5 key strengths. Again be concise as this question can lend itself to ‘waffle’ in its answer.

What are your salary expectations?

What are your salary expectations? If asked about your salary expectations too early in the process, say you would rather postpone that discussion until you have more information about the position. Know the market rates and your walk-away point. Turn

the question around and ask what their salary expectations are. If you must quote a salary, provide a salary range not an exact figure, which leaves room for negotiation.

Other questions sourced from various client sites to assist with your preparation are listed below. Many of the principals listed above can be applied to answer these correctly.

  • What has been your best job to date and why?
  • What do you think customer service is?
  • How would you describe your customer service skills?
  • How do you respond to working under pressure?
  • How have you responded when your work has been criticized?
  • What has been your biggest lesson learnt to date?
  • Can you describe a time where you had to use your own initiative to complete a task?
  • Tell me about some of the companies that you have worked for? What has been your best job to date? Why did you leave?
  • How would you describe yourself?
  • How do you measure your own performance?
  • What do you enjoy doing most to relax? What are your hobbies?
  • How would your work colleagues describe you?
  • What are you looking for in your next position?
  • Where do you see your career heading?
  • What style of management gets the best from you?
  • How are your typing skills? Do you know your speed and accuracy?
  • What do you know about our company?
  • Why do you want to be a (insert position)?
  • What do you think determines someone’s progression in a good company?
  • What do you do think of uniforms? Would you be prepared to wear a uniform for work?
  • What is your preferred working style, working alone or in a group and why?
  • What does teamwork mean to you? Tell me about a time that you had to work as a team and what role you took on?
  • What part of this role is least attractive to you and why?
  • What job would you like if you had a completely free choice?
  • When could you start?

Questions that you may like to consider asking:

  • How has this particular vacancy arisen?
  • What do you see as the main challenges facing the person who takes on this role?
  • How would you describe the company’s culture?
  • What are the realistic career development opportunities?
  • Will there be any training provided?
  • What development and growth plans does the company have?
  • What opportunities exist for high achievers within the organization?
  • How soon will you decide on the appointment?